- books
Chopin’ it up at the Ant Mound with Queen Azina and Black Girl Magic
- $12.95
- A directed journal for 12–17-year-olds to reflect and learn about the deceptive practices of voter suppression and black voting rights
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Roots Four Zero
- $13.95
- In a cross between fantasy and realism, Roots Four Zero is about a fourteen-year-old slave girl called Zero. Her master named her Zero because he thought of her as a nothing. One day Zero finally found the courage to run away and decided to find her roots. She enters a world of the unknown and the unsafe as a fugitive…
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Souly Speculative
- $16.00
- A collection of six short stories drawing from human history the elements of slavery and oppression. Highlighting the brilliance of African/African American culture and history while using the elements of speculative fiction i.e., horror, science fiction and fantasy as a vehicle to be transported into mind bending Afrofuturism.
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The Opening E-Book
- $3.99
- The Opening is about a Khem (black) hue-man being named Ja, with a supreme understanding of cosmology on the planet Ubiquity, believes that the grass is greener on the other side... of the galaxy. Traveling through the Opening with his family, Ja finds Earth, the antebellum south to be exact, only to discover whites, in power and their blacks enslaved.…
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The Opening paperback
- $13.99
- The Opening is about a Khem (black) hue-man being named Ja, with a supreme understanding of cosmology on the planet Ubiquity, believes that the grass is greener on the other side... of the galaxy. Traveling through the Opening with his family, Ja finds Earth, the antebellum south to be exact, only to discover whites, in power and their blacks enslaved.…
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The Supreme Hogon
- $14.00
- Astrophysicist Tony Smart tells an unbelievable tale of Ambaro, The Supreme Hogon to his nephew where he witnessed a contest between Ambaro’s eyes and the Hubble Space Telescope of who can see the farthest out into space.
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The Supreme Hogon with comic book ending
- $18.00
- Astrophysicist Tony Smart tells an unbelievable tale of Ambaro, The Supreme Hogon to his nephew where he witnessed a contest between Ambaro’s eyes and the Hubble Space Telescope of who can see the farthest out into space.
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